
Pregnancy Examination

Pregnancy Examination

- once a week in the last month
Due to complications of pregnancy such as toxaemia gravidarum, antepartum hemorrhage, abnormal location of the new emerging or have meaning in the last quarter and increaseth greater the risk of late pregnancy, it is clear that after the fourth month supervision should be tightened. Examination of the above rules would apply only if all normal.
If there are abnormalities of the frequency of inspection disesuakan according to each patient's needs. For example, if many pregnant women vomiting in early pregnancy so she was not ordered back after a month, but maybe once a week or once in two weeks.
That is also the case if there are signs of mild toxaemia gravidarum in the last quarter, then we should more frequently see patients in accordance with the rules of the common. We recommend that patients should take away his home and the streets are bad, it hurts to bring it tidk less frequently, as this journey may lead to things that are not desirable.
On re-examination asked about new symptoms arise such as: edema (swelling that can be observed from the accumulation of fluid in body tissues), obstipasi, bleeding, headaches, etc.
In addition to abdominal examination, weighing, measuring, blood pressure and urine checks for protein should be done every visit and Hb was determined 3 months.
Implementation of Hygine in pregnancy such as: diet, rest, exercise, etc. It is better if patients were told that keadaanya normal, no abnormalities of any kind as this will soothe his soul.
But instead he wisely in teaching about the danger signs in pregnancy such as:
of No. 6, 7 and 8 that includes the signs of preeclampsia. If any of these symptoms then immediately consult arises.
Complaints are often felt in pregnant women:
• Nausea and Vomiting
usually occurs in the second month after month and lost the third pass. nausea, vomiting harisaat ininterjadi on an empty stomach in the morning (morning sickness).
Eat a little biscuit and the before getting out of bed
Can also be given vitamin B complex, vitamin C and sedative.
Back pain
Such pain can be alleviated by analgetica. Partly due to loosening of the hip joints as symphisis and articulatio sacroiliaca the influence of pregnancy hormones. With rest the complaint will be reduced.
• varices
varices arise influenced by hereditary factors, a long standing and age. plus a factor in pregnancy hormonal (progesterone) and dams in the pelvis. varices women should not wear tight clothing or pressure and should not be a long time to work while standing.
• Haemorrhoid
is widening of the veins of the anus so it makes no difference to the varices. Piles can be seen the increase in pregnancy because there is blood on the dam in the pelvic cavity.
• Headaches
usually occurs in young women and hard to determine why. In the middle will be lost or diminished by itself.
• edema
most often arise in the foot and lower leg. Should always be checked whether or not caused by toxaemia gravidarum. If the pressure caused by the enlarging uterus on the pelvic veins, then go away with rest.
in general, increases in vaginal fluid in pregnancy with no pathological causes and often ticoccus, not cause complaints.

