
despite its clout

Your Guide to the Google Search Engine

Google - the World's Most Well Used Search Engine
Bright Hub has pulled together the best articles on site on the Google search engine, and lists them here for you. Google is a phenomena- an application that has changed the way we interface with the world. Nearly 70% of all searches are done through Google's search engines. Google was not the first search engine by any means, but when it started up in 1998, Google used an innovative concept called page rank to evaluate search results, rather than merely relying on keywords, as other search engines did. The exact means used to provide search results are not available- both because Google does not appreciate being scammed, and because it doesn't want to give the information away to competitors. Google was the root cause of SEO, or search engine optimization, because people want to learn how to rank well in Google searches. Current answers indicate that good content is the most single most useful thing any site can do to rank well. Since 2000, Google has developed apps that relate to Google, including Google Earth, Gmail and Google Docs. They are probably the foremost proponents of cloud computing- which puts Google head to head with Microsoft. However, despite its clout, Google has an informal motto, "Don't be evil." For one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, that is a mighty encouraging attitude. :

